We are happy to announce the EUTOPIA Summer School on topology in the context of soft matter and biological molecules, that will take place in person in Paris from June 27th till July 6th 2022.
The school is open to a public of Ph.D. students, postdocs and early career researchers.
It will consist of a mix of interactive lectures and hands-on sessions, mornings and afternoons, followed each day by a “community” event in the form of wide-audience seminars, sessions on grant writing and job application tips, poster presentations.
All participants are expected to attend the full duration of the school. Participants coming from a COST Member state will receive a travel grant of the amount of 1100 euros (100 euros/day).
The topics covered will be:
Knot theory and the introduction to Kymoknot and other topology softwares
Persistence homology
Simulations of topologically non-trivial proteins (molecular dynamics using Gromacs)
Polymer melts and simulations with LAMMPS
DNA models and simulations (OXDNA)
Genome simulations
Liquid crystals
Each participant will be encouraged to participate in sessions devoted to grant proposal writing or job interview training (depending on the participant interest and career stage) for which he/she will have to prepare a written document in advance to bring to the school.
Participants will have to bring their own laptop for hand-on sessions.
Physics Department, Condorcet building
Université Paris Cité
4 rue Elsa Morante, 75013, Paris
Luca Tubiana, Università di Trento
Raffaello Potestio, Università di Trento
Thomas Tarenzi, Università di Trento
Davide Michieletto, University of of Edinburgh
Yair Gutierrez Fosado, University of Edinburgh
Thomas Machon, University of Bristol
Ximena Fernandez, University of Durham
Paweł Dąbrowski-Tumański, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University
Jan Smrek, University of Vienna
Daniel Jost, ENS Lyon
Sara Harris, University of Leeds.
Liuba Mazzanti, Université Paris-Sud
Teresa Lopez-Leon, ESPCI Paris
Samuela Pasquali, Université Paris Cité
Davide Michieletto, Paweł Dąbrowski-Tumański, Samuela Pasquali
Contact: samuela.pasquali@u-paris.fr