The last few years have witnessed remarkable advances in our understanding of the emergence and consequences of topological constraints in bio- and soft matter, thanks to technological progress and the integration of experiments with increasingly sophisticated numerical simulations. Examples are abundant and cover seemingly distant topics, ranging from knotted proteins to genome organization and the  interplay between topological and physical properties in complex fluids. As a consequence, topological bio- and soft matter is becoming a vibrant area of research attracting scientists from a broad range of disciplines.Â
The aim of this meeting, sponsored by the  European Topology Interdisciplinary Action (EUTOPIA COST Action), is to bring together scientists from biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics to discuss the most recent results in topological soft and bio-materials and share ideas with an interdisciplinary community.Â

Location: Università di Trento, polo Ferrari A, aula A106, Via Sommarive, 38123 Trento TN
Time: 5-9 Settembre 2022
Program and booklet:
The program of the conference is the following

The conference will be held in a hybrid format. Those who are interested to participate via Zoom can inquire Emanuele Locatelli ( or Luca Tubiana ( for the conference link.
Download here a copy of the conference booklet
Main Topics (working groups):Â
– WG1: Theory of topological entanglement in polymers and fibres.
– WG2: Polymeric and fibrous topological materials
– WG3: Entangled and self-entangled proteins
– WG4: DNA, chromosomes, and other entangled genetic material
– WG5: Topologically complex fluids
– WG1: Theory of topological entanglement in polymers and fibres.
– WG2: Polymeric and fibrous topological materials
– WG3: Entangled and self-entangled proteins
– WG4: DNA, chromosomes, and other entangled genetic material
– WG5: Topologically complex fluids
Keynote Speakers
– Simon Copar
– Sophie Jackson
– Aleksandre Japaridze
– David Leigh
– Adam Liwo
– Kristian Müller-Nedebock
– Sophie Jackson
– Aleksandre Japaridze
– David Leigh
– Adam Liwo
– Kristian Müller-Nedebock
– Teresa Lopez-Leon
– Marco di Stefano
– Joanna Sulkowska
– Marco di Stefano
– Joanna Sulkowska
Support: The meeting is organized by the EUTOPIA COST Action ( Eutopia will cover the travel and accommodation expenses of selected participants. The evaluation will be based on criteria of scientific merit with particular attention to gender balance. The participation of scientists and students coming from Inclusiveness Target Countries (list: 21/03/ITC.pdf) is encouraged.
Organizing committee:Â
– Luca Tubiana, Università di Trento
– Raffaello Potestio, Università di Trento,
– Franco Ferrari, University of Szczecin
– Emanuele Locatelli, Università di Padova
– Emanuele Locatelli, Università di Padova
Scientific committee:
Luca Tubiana (IT), Raffaello Potestio (IT), Franco Ferrari (PL), Â Gareth Alexander (UK), Patricia Faisca (PT), Achille Giacometti (IT), Nevena Ilieva Litova (BG), Thomas Machon (UK), Davide Michieletto (UK), Antti Niemi (SE), Angelo Rosa (IT), Joanna Sulkowska (PL), Â Slobodan Zumer (SI)