Active Fluidification of Entangled Polymers by Loop Extrusion
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Mechanical scission of a knotted polymer
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Continuous Crossover from the Dilute to Semidilute Concentration Regime in Spherically Confined Polymers
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Towards Optimal Production of Graphene by Electrolysis in Molten Salts Using Machine Learning
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Single-Molecule Morphology of Topologically Digested Olympic Networks
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Interpenetrated and Bridged Nanocylinders from Self-Assembled Star Block Copolymers
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Self-Organized States from Solutions of Active Ring Polymers in Bulk and under Confinement
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Targeting the Spike: Repurposing Mithramycin and Dihydroergotamine to Block SARS-CoV-2 Infection
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Knot Formation on DNA Pushed Inside Chiral Nanochannels
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Geometric Learning of Knot Topology
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On the thermal properties of knotted block copolymer rings
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Effects of sequence-dependent non-native interactions in equilibrium and kinetic folding properties of knotted proteins
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Nonmonotonous Translocation Time of Polymers across Pores
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On the elusive saddle–splay and splay–bend elastic constants of nematic liquid crystals
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Long-Time Dynamics of Selected Molecular-Motor Components Using a Physics-Based Coarse-Grained Approach
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Plat and standard closure of braids in 3-manifolds
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Single-Molecule Structure and Topology of Kinetoplast DNA Networks
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Topological analysis and the recovery of entanglements in polymer melts
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A Double-Walled Tetrahedron with AgI4 Vertices Binds Different Guests in Distinct Sites
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Unidirectional Droplet Propulsion onto Gradient Brushes Without External Energy Supply
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Concave polymer brushes inwardly grafted in spherical cavities: A Molecular Dynamics study
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Last call for STSMs
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Solvent quality and solvent polarity in polypeptides
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Spontaneous Twisting of Achiral Hard Rod Nematics
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Interaction and co-assembly of optical and topological solitons
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Nonlinear Dynamics of DNA Chain
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Structure and topology of RNA in living systems
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Entanglement Length Scale Separates Threading from Branching of Unknotted and Non-concatenated Ring Polymers in Melts
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Ring-o-rings: a new category of supramolecular structures with topologically tunable properties
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Optimal Selection of Parameters for Production of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) by Electrolysis in Molten Salts using Machine Learning
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Mathematical Analysis in Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) as possible Mosquito Repellents
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First STSMs call – Fifth Grant Period
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Computer-aided comprehensive explorations of RNA structural polymorphism through complementary simulation methods
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Helical microstructures in molluscan biomineralization are a biological example of close packed helices that may form from a colloidal liquid
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Knot Factories with Helical Geometry Enhance Knotting and Induce Handedness to Knots
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Dense packings of geodesic hard ellipses on a sphere
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Exploring Structural Flexibility and Stability of α-Synuclein by the Landau–Ginzburg–Wilson Approach
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Knotting matters: orderly molecular entanglements
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Activity Mediated Globule to Coil Transition of a Flexible Polymer in Poor Solvent
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Post-doctoral fellowship at University of Venice
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Topology, Physics, and Chemistry of Soft Matter (Eutopia IV)
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PostDoc Offer on Modelling phase transitions in the nucleus in Phenix Paris
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Job openings for young computational physicists and chemists in the startup Sibylla Biotech
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2 years postdoc fellowship on “Modelling active polymeric systems”
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Rugotaxis: Droplet motion without external energy supply
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Measure of overlap between two arbitrary ellipses on a sphere
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The SU(2) Lie-Poisson Algebra and its Descendants
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Genotoxicity of Three Micro/Nanocelluloses with Different Physicochemical Characteristics in MG-63 and V79 Cells
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Eutopia Summer School
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Active Topological Glass Confined within a Spherical Cavity
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Colourful Patterns in Cellulose-Based Liquid Crystals
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Spatial organization of chromosomes leads to heterogeneous chromatin motion and drives the liquid- or gel-like dynamical behavior of chromatin
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Assessing the Polymer Coil-Globule State from the Very First Spectral Modes
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Computer simulations of melts of ring polymers with non-conserved topology: A dynamic Monte Carlo lattice model
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Water Dynamics in Composite Aqueous Suspensions of Cellulose Nanocrystals and a Clay Mineral Studied through Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry
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Channels with Helical Modulation Display Stereospecific Sensitivity for Chiral Superstructures
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Adsorption of Semiflexible Polymers in Cylindrical Tubes
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Protein self-entanglement modulates successful folding to the native state: A multi-scale modeling study
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A Topological Selection of Folding Pathways from Native States of Knotted Proteins
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Mathematics of Life 2021(MOL2021) Conference
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Investigating site-selection mechanisms of retroviral integration in supercoiled DNA braids
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Vortex precession and exchange in a Bose-Einstein condensate
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Travelling colourful patterns in self-organized cellulose-based liquid crystalline structures
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Monte Carlo simulation of a lattice model for the dynamics of randomly branching double-folded ring polymers
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Spontaneous dimensional reduction and ground state degeneracy in a simple chain model
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Piston Compression of Semiflexible Ring Polymers in Channels
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Phase Separation in a Binary Mixture of Semiflexible Polymers Confined in a Repulsive Sphere
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Rotation by deformation and time-crystalline dynamics of cyclopropane molecule
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Fully funded PhD position on Modelling of polymer systems in the presence of non-trivial topological relations: a combined analytical-numerical approach
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Topological Tuning of DNA Mobility in Entangled Solutions of Supercoiled Plasmids
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2 years postdoc fellowship on “Inference of protein models”
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SARS-CoV-2 Papain-Like Protease Potential Inhibitors—In Silico Quantitative Assessment
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Global order parameters for particle distributions on the sphere
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Long-range order in quadrupolar systems on spherical surfaces
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Ph.D. Offer Université de Paris
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Comparing equilibration schemes of high-molecular-weight polymer melts with topological indicators
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Controlling the shape and chirality of an eight-crossing molecular knot
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Self-shaping liquid crystal droplets by balancing bulk elasticity and interfacial tension
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Water Contribution to the Protein Folding and its Relevance in Protein Design and Protein Aggregation
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Global@Venice Marie Curie Cofund Program
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice has been awarded a Marie
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Activity-Induced Collapse and Arrest of Active Polymer Rings
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Self-assembling behaviour of chiral calamitic monoacrylates targeted for polymer stabilisation of polar smectic phases in chiral liquid crystals
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Eutopia Academy
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Postdoc position in Applied Geometry and Topology
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Entropic Competition between Supercoiled and Torsionally Relaxed Chromatin Fibers Drives Loop Extrusion through Pseudo-Topologically Bound Cohesin
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PhD on Machine Learning for Analysis of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
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Eutopia-3: Third meeting of the European Topology interdisciplinary Initiative
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Phase Separation and Nematic Order in Lyotropic Solutions: Two Types of Polymers with Different Stiffnesses in a Common Solvent
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Polymer modelling unveils the roles of heterochromatin and nucleolar organizing regions in shaping 3D genome organization in Arabidopsis thaliana
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On topology and knotty entanglement in protein folding
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Motion of a Polymer Globule with Vicsek-like Activity: From Super-diffusive to Ballistic Behavior
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Dynamical Entanglement and Cooperative Dynamics in Entangled Solutions of Ring and Linear Polymers
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Self-assembly of a layered two-dimensional molecularly woven fabric
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A molecular endless (7_4) knot
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Effects of turn-structure on folding and entanglement in artificial molecular overhand knots
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Open questions in functional molecular topology
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A review on nonlinear DNA physics
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Emergence of active topological glass through directed chain dynamics and nonequilibrium phase segregation
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Entropic Unmixing in Nematic Blends of Semiflexible Polymers
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Can Soft Models Describe Polymer Knots?
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The application of numerical topological invariants in simulations of knotted rings: A comprehensive Monte Carlo approach
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Deuteron NMR investigation on orientational order parameter in polymer dispersed liquid crystal elastomers
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Can the roles of polar and non-polar moieties be reversed in non-polar solvents?
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Particle-like, dyx-coaxial and trix-coaxial Lie algebra structures for a multi-dimensional continuous Toda type system
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The influence of arm composition on the self-assembly of low-functionality telechelic star polymers in dilute solutions
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Surface Stabilized Topological Solitons in Nematic Liquid Crystals
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First Call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) applications of EUTOPIA’s third Grant Period
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Can Polarity-Inverted Surfactants Self-Assemble in Nonpolar Solvents?
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Lattice orientation of cholesteric blue phases in contact with surfaces enforcing unidirectional planar anchoring
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Periodic Arrays of Chiral Domains Generated from the Self-Assembly of Micropatterned Achiral Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystal
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Control of Light by Topological Solitons in Soft Chiral Birefringent Media
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Tying different knots in a molecular strand
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Chirality-Enhanced Periodic Self-Focusing of Light in Soft Birefringent Media
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Melts of nonconcatenated rings in spherical confinement
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Nacre Is a Liquid-Crystal Thermometer of the Oceans
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Knotting a molecular strand can invert macroscopic effects of chirality
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Physics-based multistep beam propagation in inhomogeneous birefringent media
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Effective control of optical purity by chiral HPLC separation for ester-based liquid crystalline materials forming anticlinic smectic phases
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Laser-induced formation of “craters” and “hills” in azobenzene-containing polymethacrylate films
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Separation of Geometrical and Topological Entanglement in Confined Polymers Driven out of Equilibrium
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Active topological glass
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Microfluidic control over topological states in channel-confined nematic flows
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Chromatin Is Frequently Unknotted at the Megabase Scale
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Framization of a Temperley-Lieb algebra of type B
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Linear Dimensions of Adsorbed Semiflexible Polymers: What can be learned about their persistence length?
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Spotting plants’ microfilament morphologies and nanostructures
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Topology of Three-Dimensional Active Nematic Turbulence Confined to Droplets
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Design of functional multicomponent liquid crystalline mixtures with nano-scale pitch fulfilling deformed helix ferroelectric mode demands
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Point Defects, Topological Chirality, and Singularity Theory in Cholesteric Liquid-Crystal Droplets
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Topological Constraints in Eukaryotic Genomes and How They Can Be Exploited to Improve Spatial Models of Chromosomes
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Searching the Optimal Folding Routes of a Complex Lasso Protein
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Applications of X-rays and Neutron Scattering in Biology
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A new strategy to microscopic modelling of topological entanglement in polymers based on field theory
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Knots, links, anyons and statistical mechanics of entangled polymer rings
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Second Call for EUTOPIA Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) applications
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Computational methods in the study of self-entangled proteins: a critical appraisal
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Non-equilibrium effects of molecular motors on polymers
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Hydrophobic confinement modulates thermal stability and assists knotting in the folding of tangled proteins
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Eutopia-2: Second meeting of the European Topology interdisciplinary Initiative
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Anomalous Slowdown of Polymer Detachment Dynamics on Carbon Nanotubes
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Call for EUTOPIA Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) applications
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4D Epigenome (3-5 October 2019)
VENUE: Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti S. Marco, 2842, 30124 Venezia
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Synergy of topoisomerase and structural-maintenance-of-chromosomes proteins creates a universal pathway to simplify genome topology
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PhD positions
The Maxwell Institute Graduate School for Modelling, Analysis & Computation
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Postdocs positions
Post-doc position in computational modelling of biomolecules We are announcing
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Physical principles of retroviral integration in the human genome
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Threading of Unconcatenated Ring Polymers at High Concentrations: Double-Folded vs Time-Equilibrated Structures
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Topological Sieving of Rings According to Their Rigidity
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EUTOPIA kick-off meeting
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EUTOPIA website opens!
EUTOPIA webpage is online! Comments/suggestions are welcome
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