The first call for STSMs of the fifth Grant Period is now open. This call will award 2 STSMs, to be held in the second half of November; a second call for STSMs will be held from December till mid-March.
As the various meetings and STSM take place, we will understand whether or not we have some remaining budget to fund more STSMs, in which case we will open a third call.

Important dates

– Applications for STSMs to be held between Nov. 20 and Dec 31 (2 grants, max Eur 2000 each) can be submitted from Nov 8 until Nov 12 at midnight.
– Applications for STSMs to be held between Jan 1st  2023 and Mar 20th 2023 (5 grants, max Eur 2000 each) can be submitted from Nov 8 until Dec 9 at midnight.

The selection of the received applications will be completed by Nov 16th for the first call, and by Dec. 16th for the second call. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

The details of the selection criteria can be found on this website at . The procedure for applications must be carried out on the website.

Regarding the application procedure, please refer to information below.

For additional details about the procedure for applying for STSMs on  e-COST and on eligibility requirements you are also advised to check the following relevant COST documents: