12-19 March 2023
Juan Pablo Miranda
Home Institution
Universidad Complutense Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Host Contact
Dr. Emanuele Locatelli
Host Institution
University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Aim of the mission
The goal of the proposed STSM is to carry on additional analysis and characterization on the active rings suspension; further, we aim to write a manuscript on the self-organization of the active rings.
The main expected results of the STSM will be the improvement of the characterization of the self-organized state, resulting from the interplay between topology, activity and physical confinement. So far, we focused on characterizing the dynamics and the spatial organization of the centres of mass of the rings, disregarding finer details. Once the self-organization is well characterized at this level, we can go one step further and delve more deeply into the topological interactions (threadings and entanglements). The results of the STSM will serve thus as a stepping stone for future research on the interplay between topology and activity in polymers out of equilibrium, topic that is of interest of WG2.
Summary of the Results
The main objective that we wanted to achieve on this STSM was a better characterization on the self-organized state. This was made possible by refining the clustering algorithm. With the preliminary
clustering analysis we successfully characterized two different states of groups of polymers, we saw that in some systems, groups of polymers form clusters in an ordered manner while others form an outside layer that seems disordered. Regarding the dynamical properties, a plan of future work was developed an discussed, based on the analysis of the structural properties and the characterization of the system that was achieved. The clustering will make possible to explain the interplay between e interplay between topology, activity and physical confinement. Also with the new characterization and the forthcoming results we can go deeper into the interplay between topology and activity in polymers out of equilibrium, topic that is of interest of WG2. The future plans include the analysis of the new results, and the writing of the proposed manuscript on the self-organization of the active rings. Also we will delve more onto the topological interplay with activity on this type of systems, developing new tools and results.
We are currently writing the proposed manuscript on the self-organization of the active rings. The work has already been presented in some conferences and will be presented in the future, for example, at the FISES conference.