

21 March – 08 April

Prof. Ivan Coluzza
Prof. Mark Miller

Home Institutions
CIC BioMagune, San Sebastian (Donostia)
Department of Chemistry, Durham University, Durham

Host Contact
Prof. Achille Giacometti

Host Institution
University Cà Foscari, Venice

Aim of the mission
The aim of this STSM is to kick-start a project that will apply energy landscape methods to two leading biopolymer models [1,2] developed within the network. We anticipate that the work will (in due course) lead to at least one joint publication. 2. Proposed contribution to the scientific objectives of the Action The project connects three independent areas of expertise within the EUTOPIA network, currently spread over three countries (Italy, Spain, United Kingdom), namely entropy-based biomimetic folding (Giacometti), design of knotting polymers (Coluzza), and energy landscape methods (Miller). It fits most naturally inWork Group 2, on “polymeric and fibrous topological materials”, and the task to ”expand the scope of present self-assembling techniques”. However, it also clearly has relevance to Work Group 3 on ”entangled and self-entangled proteins”.