Knot Formation on DNA Pushed Inside Chiral Nanochannels
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Geometric Learning of Knot Topology
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Single-Molecule Morphology of Topologically Digested Olympic Networks
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Phase behaviour of semiflexible lattice polymers in poor-solvent solution: mean-field theory and Monte Carlo simulations
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Optical manipulation of sessile droplets of nematic liquid crystalline materials on the surface of a photovoltaic crystal
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Spontaneous Unidirectional Loop Extrusion Emerges from Symmetry Breaking of SMC Extension
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On the thermal properties of knotted block copolymer rings
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Topological Elasticity in Physical Gels with Limited Valence
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Passing from plat closure to standard closure of braids in R3, in handlebodies and in thickened surfaces
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Effects of sequence-dependent non-native interactions in equilibrium and kinetic folding properties of knotted proteins
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Nonmonotonous Translocation Time of Polymers across Pores
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On the elusive saddle–splay and splay–bend elastic constants of nematic liquid crystals
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