Interactions on the Interface between Two Liquid Crystal Materials
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Orientational ordering of point dipoles on a sphere
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Compression and Stretching of Single DNA Molecules under Channel Confinement
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Conformation of Flexible and Semiflexible Chains Confined in Nanoposts Array of Various Geometries
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Threading-Induced Dynamical Transition in Tadpole-Shaped Polymers
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A community proposal to integrate structural bioinformatics activities in ELIXIR (3D-Bioinfo Community)
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Tackling the Limitations of Copolymeric Small Interfering RNA Delivery Agents by a Combined Experimental–Computational Approach
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DNA supercoiling and transcription in bacteria: a two-way street
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CRISPR-Cas, DNA Supercoiling, and Nucleoid-Associated Proteins
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When is a transcription factor a NAP?
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Knotted proteins: tie etiquette in structural biology
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Magnetic polymer models for epigenetics-driven chromosome folding
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