Topological Constraints in Eukaryotic Genomes and How They Can Be Exploited to Improve Spatial Models of Chromosomes
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Searching the Optimal Folding Routes of a Complex Lasso Protein
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A new strategy to microscopic modelling of topological entanglement in polymers based on field theory
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Knots, links, anyons and statistical mechanics of entangled polymer rings
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Computational methods in the study of self-entangled proteins: a critical appraisal
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Non-equilibrium effects of molecular motors on polymers
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Hydrophobic confinement modulates thermal stability and assists knotting in the folding of tangled proteins
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Anomalous Slowdown of Polymer Detachment Dynamics on Carbon Nanotubes
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Synergy of topoisomerase and structural-maintenance-of-chromosomes proteins creates a universal pathway to simplify genome topology
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Physical principles of retroviral integration in the human genome
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Threading of Unconcatenated Ring Polymers at High Concentrations: Double-Folded vs Time-Equilibrated Structures
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Topological Sieving of Rings According to Their Rigidity
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